
D2.3 Synthesis case studies of drivers and barriers

This deliverable provides an analysis of the barriers and drivers for the establishment of renewable community energy, particularly Renewable Energy Communities as defined in the EU Renewable Energy Directive recast. The analysis considers the regional, environmental, legal and social contexts of five selected target regions: Balearic and Canary Islands (Spain), Latvia, Norte (Portugal), Norway and Warmian-Masurian (Poland). These target regions were selected based on a low deployment of renewable community energy. The analysis addresses a diversity of technologies and rationalities such as energy security (island communities), tourism, farming, as well as social motivations and behavioural aspects relevant for promoting renewable community energy. Our findings in this deliverable are drawn from focus groups as well as individual interviews with potential REC actors (citizens, local authorities, and SMEs). This method enables qualitative and detailed understanding of the participants’ role or involvement in the establishment of RECs, including which technologies they are interested in, their social motivations for engaging in RECs, organisational structure, how they try to promote RECs, who they cooperate with and what they perceive as key impediments for the establishment and running of RECs.

Publication Date: 28 Apr 2022

Author: Karina Standal, Stine Aakre and Merethe Dotterud Leiren, CICERO