Report of the Latvian 2nd country desk follow-up meeting on 24 Nov 2022
The Latvia Desk 2nd follow-up meeting and Policy Lab was held on 24th November 2022, in Riga, in presence. The objective of the event was to present the main results and outcomes of COME RES project and to discuss in a non-biased the actualities of the REC development in Latvia. The particular tasks of the event were multi-fold:
- as the COME RES project comes in its final phase, to present the main achievements of the COME RES, and promote the final stage of the project focused to the development of policy recommendations as well as to promote COME RES Final Event in Brussels, 31th January 2023;
- to use the event as a platform for the public discussion on the draft governmental regulations regarding REC,
- to provide information (by DSO) regarding the procedure for connection of micro-generators for the parallel work with the power grid and the DSO role in the current electricity accounting system for renewables self-consumers,
- to learn on other energy communities development related activities in Latvia and COME RES countries,
- to provide the non-formal networking of the Desk stakeholders.
As the part of the meeting, the Policy Lab presented the key outcomes and results of the Comparative assessment of enabling frameworks and support scheme designs for RECs and discussed on interim Latvia specific policy lessons and recommendations.
The event was organized by the LEIF and IPE. 23 participants (including COME RES partners) have attended the event. The meeting has been moderated by the highly professional moderator of the Latvian TV. Each of presentations was concluded by the interactive Q&A session.
Publication Date: 29 Nov 2022
Author: Aija Zučika (Latvian Environmental Investment Fund) Ivars Kudreņickis, Gaidis Klāvs (Institute of Physical Energetic)