D3.3 Final Consolidated Summary Report of Desk Activities in the Target Regions
The final consolidated report of the country desk activities comprises the activities performed within the framework of Work Package 3 “Country Desks and stakeholder dialogues” and summarises and documents all events and accomplishments of the eight COME RES country desks between September
2020 and December 2022.
The report is composed by four main sections and is structured as follows:
- A brief introduction, with the background and purpose of the report.
- An overview of the activities undertaken by all the country desks, providing an aggregated
- A more detailed description of the activities held by each ofthe country desks, with theidentification of the main topics, participants and outputs. The breakdown of the participants perstakeholder group is also available for the different events, showing the diversity of stakeholdersparticipating in the different activities.
- A final section with the main conclusions of the report and reflections on future steps.
Publication Date: 28 Dec 2022
Author: Maria Rosaria Di Nucci, Vincenzo Gatta (FUB), Isabel Azevedo (INEGI)