Atjaunojamās enerģijas kopienu potenciāla novērtējums Latvijā
During Spring-Summer 2021, relied on a common methodology, the Deliverable 2.2 had been elaborated which includes assessments of the potentials for RECs in the COME RES target regions.
As such assessment was made for the first time in Latvia, IPE team had seen it as the important input to promote recognition of RECs within the harmonisation process of the Draft Amendments to Energy Law. IPE team had decided to publish assessment in Latvian, including the translation of the methodology and Latvian section, to made it widely available and to serve as one of the relevant inputs for the policy substantiation regarding the RECs. The Latvian assessment had been presented in the Thematic Workshop, 17th June 2021, and afterwards had been elaborated in the form of the separate material.
Publication Date: 31 Aug 2021
Author: Erik Laes (TU/e), Gaidis Klāvs (FEI), Ivars Kudreņickis (FEI)