
Final conference presentations

PPT presentation used during the final conference. This document includes the following presentations:

  • Introduction to COME RES: Dr. Rosaria Di Nucci, Freie Universität Berlin, COME RES Coordinator
  • Comparative Assessment of Transposition of EU Regulatory Framework: Michael Krug, Freie Universität Berlin, COME RES Co-Coordinator
  • Novel financing instruments and business models for RECs: Dörte Fouquet, Lawyer, bbh
  • Lessons from promoting RECs across regulatory frameworks – the COME RES Best Practice Selection and Transfers
    • Multifunctional Energy Gardens Regions of Thuringia-North Brabant and Gelderland Lucas Schwarz, Research Associate, FUB & Alex de Meijer, Project Manager, De Natuur en Milieufederatiees & Rien de Bont, Research Associate, TU/e
    • Energy communities in Magliano Alpi, Latvia and Region of Piedmont: Gilda Massa, Research Engineer, ENEA & Aija Zučika, Project Manager, LVIF
  • Overall COME RES Policy Recommendations:
    • Michael Krug, Freie Universität Berlin, COME RES Co-Coordinator
    • Spain-specific recommendations and regional action plan proposal: Nicoletta del Bufalo, Director Ecorys Spain & Xenia Gimenez, Member, ACER
    • Portugal-specific recommendations and regional action plan proposal, Isabel Azevedo, Head of Energy Unit, Inegi

Publication Date: 27 Feb 2023

Author: All partners