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D3.3 Final Consolidated Summary Report of Desk Activities in the Target Regions

The final consolidated report of the country desk activities comprises the activities performed within the framework of Work Package 3 “Country...

Publication Date: 28 Dec 2022

Author: Maria Rosaria Di Nucci, Vincenzo Gatta (FUB), Isabel Azevedo (INEGI)

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D3.5 Four proposals for action plans to enhance the development of RECs in target regions

The aim of deliverable 3.5 is to elaborate proposals for action plans for 4 target regions in cooperation with a core group of country desk...

Publication Date: 12 Dec 2022

Author: Erika Meynaerts, Erik Laes (VITO)

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D6.3 Four best practice transfer roadmaps for learning regions

In COME-RES’ broader objective of supporting the development of renewable energy communities (RECs) in nine European countries, one activity is...

Publication Date: 12 Dec 2022

Author: Rien de Bont (TU/e)

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D4.3 Report On Tailor-made Business Models for RECs in Four Selected Target Regions

Publication Date: 30 Nov 2022

Author: Anna Dlag (KAPE) & Lucas Schwarz (FUB)

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D7.2 Summary of the European policy roundtable and policy session during EUSEW 2022

This deliverable provides a concise summary of the half-day workshop “1 Muncipality - 1 REC: can it be done” held in Brussels on 30. September...

Publication Date: 31 Oct 2022

Author: Arthur Hinsch (ICLEI Europe), Michael Krug (FUB), Stavroula Pappa (

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