Country Report

Norwegian country desk meeting summary

The Norwegian stakeholder desk meeting was held on 26 January 2022. It was arranged by CICERO in collaboration with NVE, which is a partner in the COME RES project. Thirty-three participants were registered for the meeting, which took place at Zoom due to corona restrictions. Communications Adviser for COME RES, Hege F. Andreassen (CICERO) opened by welcoming new members of the country desk, as well as informing about the objectives of the project itself and the webpage where all output are available (research reports, policy briefings, fact sheets, minutes, etc.), as well as the project's Twitter account. Further, Karina Standal, project manager for COME RES in Norway briefly recounted the completed COME RES studies and preliminary findings from the study of drivers and barriers for renewable energy communities in Norway, Latvia and selected regions in Poland, Portugal and Spain.

Publication Date: 26 Jan 2022

Author: Hege Fantoft Andreassen, Karina Standal, Stine Aakre (CICERO)