
Freie Universität Berlin (COME RES Coordinator)
The Environmental Policy Research Centre (FUB-FFU) of the Freie Universität Berlin is a leading research institute in the fields of comparative and international environmental and sustainable energy politics and policy. Founded in 1986, it conducts both academic and policy-oriented research. FFU has strong expertise in the national and international political, institutional and social dimensions of global environmental and energy issues. Research is conducted from comparative and international perspectives on such issues as climate change, environmental and energy security, social acceptance issues and strategies of sustainable development and transition paths. As a social sciences institute, FFU investigates the roles of actors, structures, processes, and strategies as well as policy outcomes. FFU has long-standing experience in developing policy advice targeting policy makers and planners at EU, national, regional and local policy levels.
See Freie Universität Berlin (COME RES Coordinator)'s Website

VITO / Energy Ville
EnergyVille is a collaboration between the Belgian research partners KU Leuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt in the fields of sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems. EnergyVille develops technology and knowledge to support public and private stakeholders in the transition to an energy efficient, decarbonised and sustainable urban environment. The unique complementarity of the research partners allows us to integrate the energy system value chain in its entirety, ranging from materials and components to the level of entire energy systems, business models and strategies. Our activities are clustered in six interdisciplinary domains: photovoltaics, electrical and thermal storage, power control and conversion, electrical and thermal networks, buildings and districts, strategies and markets. With approximately 400 researchers and state-of-the-art research facilities, EnergyVille is a top European innovation hub in the energy field. it bundles research, development and training under one roof and collaborates closely with local, regional, national and international partners from industry as well as public authorities.

Becker Büttner Held (BBH)
Becker Büttner Held (BBH) is a partnership firm of lawyers, auditors, tax consultants and engineers providing comprehensive advice to the public and private sector in the field of energy, environment and infrastructure. BBH is one of the leading law firms in in Germany and Europe in these fields. BBH advises its clients on all issues along the entire energy value chain. is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. We are a growing network of 1500 cooperatives operating across Europe and jointly represent over 1 million citizens. Through, energy cooperatives wish to make their voices heard in the European energy debate. After all, their members - people just like you and me - are the ones who will be paying for the transition to a more sustainable energy system. empowers citizens and cooperatives and wants to achieve energy democracy. Our federation has four well-defined objectives: We represent the voice of citizens and energy cooperatives to European policy makers; we support starting and established energy cooperatives and provide them with tools and contacts to help them grow and prosper; we facilitate international exchanges and cooperation between energy cooperatives; and we promote the cooperative business model in the energy sector.

ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development. Since its foundation in the 1960s, its strengths have been applied research, technology transfer and technical-scientific support to companies, associations, territories, central and local administrations. For this reason - unlike other research institutions - the Agency depends on the Ministry of Economic Development. ENEA supports the productive system as well as public authorities (Ministry of environment and Ministry of economic development in particular) in the energy planning, the RES implementation, the transition towards the circular economy and the energy efficiency. ENEA collaborates with numerous national and international research bodies and institutions and networks.

Ecoazioni is a consultancy company expert in the field of environmental planning and assessment and transfer support of technical and scientific innovation through participatory processes. Ecoazioni has a large experience, acquired taking part in national and EU projects and research. Founded in 2000, has a wide experience, gained at national and international level, taking part in projects and research focused on energy, environment and territorial planning. In the period 2011-2012 has been a consultant for the Region Sardinia for landscape and territorial evaluation within the EIA procedure. During this period more than 30 large wind farms have been assessed. Since 2007 Ecoazioni has been part of European PV Technology Platform, defining strategies for deployment of PV in Europe. Specific methodologies have been also developed to overcome barriers to the effective dissemination of R&D projects in the renewable energy field. Ecoazioni has always been committed to the promotion of citizens participation, using a wide range of methodologies. In 20 years of activity, several hundred of participatory workshops have been organised involving private and public actors.

Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE)
The Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE), established in 1946, carries out the research in selected high importance areas, both academic and policy –oriented research. Excellence areas relate to: (i) Latvia-wide energy sector modelling and analysis by optimisation modelling tools, (ii) complex energy – economic- climate/environment analysis and policy studies, (iii) sustainable and secure planning of energy supply, (iv) assessment of energy efficiency policies and measures, (v) use of renewable energy resources and smart grids. IPE has long standing experience in policy advice targeting policy makers and planners particularly at national as well as at regional and local policy levels. Principal research is conducted on Latvia transition to long-term goal of climate neutrality 2050 and relevant transitions pathways, considering the requirements of 2030 targets.

Latvian Environmental Investment Fund
The Latvian Environmental Investment Fund was established on April 28th, 1997. The mission of the Fund is to reduce environmental pollution, promoting the implementation of environmental protection projects and to increase the capacity of municipalities and commercial organizations to prepare and carry out of high quality and effective projects from their idea to realization. The Fund has worked on different environment protection projects for over 19 years. Activities are directed to reach maximal environment improvement, supporting commercial activities in public and private sector, and attracting financing for environmental and business infrastructure developments. Since 2009 the Fund provides supervision of implementation and post-implementation monitoring of projects co-financed by Climate change financial instrument (KPFI - Green investment scheme. Currently the Fund is implementing a state budgetary program Emission Quota Auction tool (EKII).

Eindhoven University of Technology
The Philosophy and Ethics group (P&E) carries out philosophical research at the interface between fundamental philosophical issues and real-world problems that arise from the design and use of innovative technologies. The expertise lies in a variety of sub-disciplines as normative ethics and philosophy of science. The reflection on technology-related problems and technological innovations should go beyond the application of existing frameworks: P&E seeks substantial changes to existing theories such as frameworks for responsible innovation and the development of entirely new frameworks, such as the ethical design cycle, and theories of technical functions and of engineering knowledge.

CICERO is Norway’s leading institute for interdisciplinary climate research. We deliver new insight that help solve the climate challenge and strengthen international climate cooperation. We help to solve the climate problem and strengthen international climate cooperation by predicting and responding to society’s climate challenges through research and dissemination of a high international standard. CICERO has garnered particular attention for its research on the effects of human-made emissions on the climate, society’s response to climate change, and the formulation of international agreements. We have played an active role in the IPCC since 1992. In recent years, we have also developed considerable expertise in climate financing. CICERO has a national role in promoting knowledge about climate change and is internationally recognised as a driving force for innovative climate communication. We are in constant dialogue about the responses to climate change with public and private decision-makers, government administration, and civil society.

Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) is subordinate to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and is responsible for administrating Norway’s water and renewable energy resources. The directorate is responsible for integrated and environmentally sound management of the country’s water resources, as well as promoting efficient energy markets and cost-effective energy systems. Further responsibilities are to contribute to efficient energy use and maintain the security of national power supplies. NVE is a delegated licensing authority for energy projects.
See Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) 's Website

Polish National Energy Conservation Agency
The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE) promotes and implements European standards and practices in the field of energy efficiency. Our strategic goal is supporting the growth of competitiveness of the Polish economy through improving energy efficiency, while respecting the principles of sustainable development. We are a consulting company and offer the following services to our customers from various industries: we provide comprehensive and independent advice in the scope of optimising production and energy consumption and perform audits in industry, we design energy-efficient buildings and carry out audits in the construction industry, helping to raise funding for the implementation of investments from foreign and domestic funds in the field of energy efficiency and RES, we offer a wide range of services for local government units related to the introduction of a low-carbon economy, we conduct international and national educational projects, which are the manifestation of our social responsibility in business. We have knowledge and experience supported by more than 25 years of activity in the energy efficiency industry and we actively promote the use of renewable energy sources.

INEGI is a RTO focused on research and technology based innovation activities, technology transfer, consulting and technological services, oriented to the development of industry and economy in general. Its main sectors of activity include: industry; capital goods; aeronautics, space and defense; automotive and transports; civil infrastructures; renewable energies; sea economy; and health and sport. INEGI's mission is to contribute towards the development of industry and the economy in general, through scientific and technology-based innovation, while ensuring the personal and professional development of employees and the enrichment of higher education.

ECORYS is an international provider of research, consulting, programme management and communications services. Our vision is to be a leading international research and consultancy company, addressing society’s key challenges. Our mission is to help our clients make decisions, build capacity to implement and communicate change, and deliver bespoke services.

The Asociación Canaria de Energías Renovables, ACER is a regional business association founded in 2010 on the Canary Islands, Spain. ACER represents the interests of its members through joint media work, annual events, participation in national and international renewable energy events, political lobbying and cooperation with relevant regional and national associations. ACER has currently 42 active members, representing about 80 MW of photovoltaic, 100 MW of wind energy, as well as bioenergy and geothermal energy.

ICLEI Europe
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, founded in 1990 as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, is the world’s leading network of local and regional governments committed to sustainable development. ICLEI believes that local action drives global change and the leadership of local and regional governments can make a major difference in addressing complex environmental, economic and social challenges. Since 1992 the ICLEI European Secretariat has been closely working with ICLEI network cities in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and West Asia, other European networks, the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions, and many others. The ICLEI European Secretariat works with its over 80 in-house sustainability and communications professionals from its offices in Freiburg (DE), Berlin (DE) and Brussels (BE).