2nd Flemish & Dutch country desk meeting & policy lab

30 Nov 21


2nd Flemish & Dutch country desk meeting & policy lab

In this second meeting of the Flemish & Dutch country desk (in Dutch), we will give an overview of the current status with regard to the transposition of the provisions on renewable energy communities by the EU Member States. We will also illustrate how the COME RES project contributes to the practical implementation of these provisions in Flanders and the Netherlands.

Following the country desk meeting, we will organise an interactive workshop on the enabling framework for energy communities in the Netherlands and Flanders.


  • Status transposition of provisions on renewable energy communities (RED II)
    • presentation EU assessment REScoop (REScoop.eu)
  • Contribution of COME RES project to implementation of provisions on renewable energy communities (REDII)
    • Contributions to be expected from the different work packages
    • Assessment of starting conditions of RECs in the different target regions (VITO)
    • Assessment of potential of RECs with focus on target regions in Flanders (VITO) & the Netherlands (TUEindhoven)
  • Interactive workshop on enabling framework (VITO, TUEindhoven, REScoop.eu)
    • Introduction: requirements in REDII (art. 22 § 4)
    • Based on the requirements of the European Directive, what are the key priorities on which the enabling framework for RECs should focus?
    • How can these priorities be put into practice?

The meeting will take place in Dutch. Click here to register.

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