
D5.2 Good Practice Portfolio

Work package 5 (WP5) of the COME RES project identifies good practices of renewable energy communities (RECs) as defined by the Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EU) (RED II) and provides a best practices inventory. The inventory is part of a synthesis report of the best practice cases regarding novel and promising REC initiatives or REC approaches in the COME RES partner countries. Work package 5 includes in-depth assessments of innovative, adoptable and transferable cases. It examines the extent to which the good/best practices provide environmental, economic and/or social community benefits (as defined in cf. RED II, Art. 2). Based on the good/best practices a sustainability scorecard for renewable energy communities is developed. The scorecard provides principles and criteria for sustainable community energy which serve both as a self-assessment tool for RECs and a potential guidance tool for policy development to promote the further development and improvement of RECs. Methods applied include primary and secondary literature and document analysis, desk research and semi-structured, qualitative interviews with relevant stakeholders and discussion within the country desks in WP3.

This Deliverable 5.2 includes the categorisation and characterisation of all 21 good practice cases and the selection and justification of the best practice cases. The case studies are analysed according to the methodology and template elaborated in Deliverable 5.1 and describe and examine the activities, purposes and benefits of each good practice; between 1-3 for each COME RES participating country. A rigorous and transparent selection procedure is then followed to select the best practice cases, including suggestions of the stakeholder desks (Work package 3) and potential cases to be included in the “best practice” portfolio.

Deliverable 5.2 is designed as follows: firstly, we will provide introductory remarks on the identification and analysis of good practices, as well as the selection of best practices. The following section develops the methodology and process of good practice portrait development. Subsequently, the categorisation and characterisation of good practice cases is provided, as well as the selection and justification of best
practices. Lastly, a proposal for the next steps is elaborated.

Publication Date: 25 Jan 2022

Author: Pouyan Maleki-Dizaji (ECORYS), Piotr Nowakowski (KAPE), Ivars Kudrenickis (IOE), Francisco Rueda (ECORYS)