
D6.1 Transfer Management Plans for Learning Regions

This Report (Deliverable 6.1) has been prepared under WP6 of the COME RES project (Establishing Transfer Teams and Transfer Management Plans), and it provides information about the process of selecting the “learning regions” and the best/good practice measures and elements to be transferred to those regions. The Report also includes transfer management plans for each of the learning regions and explains how the corresponding Transfer Teams have been set up.

This document has been elaborated by the Latvian Environmental Investment Fund (LEIF) leading Task 6.1 in cooperation with the project partners from five COME RES partner countries: Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Spain.

The Report introduces the background and purpose of the deliverable. We then briefly describe the process of selecting the learning regions by the Project Consortium. Next, the Report provides an overview of how the five (preliminary) transfer measures and elements were selected during the Partner Meeting on February 17th, 2022, and how the corresponding Transfer Teams were set up. For each learning region three measures that were considered particularly suitable to be studied in detail during transfer visits were tentatively identified. Based on this pre-selection and with due consideration of the recommendations of key Country Desk stakeholders from
the learning regions, one measure was finally chosen for each learning region as the focus for the transfer activities. The Report provides detailed transfer management plans for each learning region outlining the purpose, objectives and steps of the respective transfer activities.

The aim of the COME RES Work Package 6 (WP6) is to support the development of new RES-based community initiatives including RECs by encouraging context-based best practice transfers, preferably to the COME RES target regions or other “learning regions” within the partner countries. The transfers cover the transferable elements of the best practices identified in WP5 including legal/organisational forms, business models and financing instruments. Transfer activities will encompass twinning/mentoring activities based on transfer visits accompanied by capacity development and training workshops, transfer workshops, peer learning sessions and validation exercises. On an operational level, Transfer Teams including mentoring experts will elaborate, interalia, transfer roadmaps including proposals on how the corresponding concepts/measures can be accommodated in the respective learning/adopting region. The transfer activities take account of the specific legal, economic, social, political, governance and cultural contexts, as appropriate. The WP will include the development of a renewable energy community platform to a) connect people interested in community projects, b) offer information and support to RECs regarding development and organisation (e.g., contract design, legal framework, business plans) and c) showcase transferable cases. This WP has close feedback loops with WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP7.

Publication Date: 12 Apr 2022

Author: Aija Zučika (LEIF)