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Policy Brief

Policy Brief 2: Things are moving, let’s speed up!

Dutch    English   German   Italian  Latvian   Norwegian  Polish   Portuguese   Spanish

Despite the transposition of the legislation pertaining...

Publication Date: 20 Dec 2021

Author: Arthur Hinsch, Carsten Rothballer (ICLEI) - based on work by the COME RES partners

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Factsheet 2: Municipalities and renewable energy communities – a perfect match

Dutch  English  German  Italian  Latvian  Norwegian  Polish  Portuguese  Spanish

Best practice renewable energy communities (RECs) are on the...

Publication Date: 05 Apr 2022

Author: Arthur Hinsch, Carsten Rothballer and Lucy Russell (ICLEI Europe)

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Country Report

Agenda: Second Italian country desk meeting

Le Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili: work in progress

L’obiettivo del progetto COME RES “Community Energy for the uptake of RES in the...

Publication Date: 28 Apr 2022

Author: Gilda Massa (ENEA) and Massimo Bastiani (Ecoazioni)

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Country Report

Agenda: Second Italian policy lab meeting

La leva delle Comunità Energetiche in Italia

Le Comunità Energetiche sono un volano per la promozione dell’energia da fonti rinnovabili....

Publication Date: 28 Apr 2022

Author: Gilda Massa (ENEA) and Massimo Bastiani (Ecoazioni)

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Country Report

Report del desk meeting sul tema: Le Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili

In questo incontro, partendo dall’esperienza in corso con il progetto COME RES, verranno presentate alcune esperienze in corso in Puglia, nelle...

Publication Date: 28 Apr 2022

Author: G. Massa e M.G. Oteri ENEA

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