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D5.2 Good Practice Portfolio

Work package 5 (WP5) of the COME RES project identifies good practices of renewable energy communities (RECs) as defined by the Renewable Energy...

Publication Date: 25 Jan 2022

Author: Pouyan Maleki-Dizaji (ECORYS), Piotr Nowakowski (KAPE), Ivars Kudrenickis (IOE), Francisco Rueda (ECORYS)

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Energy Communities and the Tensions Between Neoliberalism and Communitarianism

The convergent development of (renewable) distributed electricity sources, storage technologies (e.g., batteries), ‘big data’ devices (e.g.,...

Publication Date: 05 Jan 2022

Author: Erik Laes, TU/e

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Policy Brief

Policy Brief 2: Things are moving, let’s speed up!

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Despite the transposition of the legislation pertaining...

Publication Date: 20 Dec 2021

Author: Arthur Hinsch, Carsten Rothballer (ICLEI) - based on work by the COME RES partners

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Local governments are key to powering a community-based energy transition

Climate neutrality by 2050 and - with the Fit for 55 Package - an increased target to produce 40% of energy from renewable sources by 2030:...

Publication Date: 01 Dec 2021

Author: Arthur Hinsch & Lucy Russell (ICLEI Europe)

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D4.1 Report on organizational and legal forms and business models for RECs

Overall, Work Package 4 (WP4) of the COME RES project is designed and executed to fulfil three main objectives. Firstly, to screen and analyse...

Publication Date: 30 Nov 2021

Author: Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Johannes Vollmer (BBH)

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