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D8.7 Advancing Renewable Energy Communities in Europe: Affordable Energy. Local Ownership. Resilience.

Dutch  English  German  Italian  Latvian  Norwegian   Polish  Portuguese  Spanish

Citizens in Europe and elsewhere are facing unprecedented...

Publication Date: 25 Jan 2023

Author: Arthur Hinsch (ICLEI Europe)

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Factsheet 3: Transferring Renewable Energy Communities and Inspiring Action

Dutch  English  German  Italian  Latvian  Norwegian   Polish  Portuguese    Spanish

Transfer and cross learning between regions to promote...

Publication Date: 27 Jan 2023

Author: Arthur Hinsch and Lucy Russell (ICLEI Europe)

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Factsheet 4: The COME RES Stakeholder Desks – paving the way for renewable energy communities

Dutch  English  German  Italian  Latvian  Norwegian  Polish  Portuguese   Spanish

One of the objectives of COME RES was to engage with major...

Publication Date: 22 Feb 2023

Author: Arthur Hinsch and Lucy Russell (ICLEI Europe)

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D7.3 Final policy report and recommendations

This deliverable gathers the main country-specific and cross-country policy lessons and recommendations of the project. It addresses...

Publication Date: 23 Feb 2023

Author: Michael Krug, Maria Rosaria Di Nucci, Lucas Schwarz (FUB)

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Policy Brief

Policy Brief 4: Short-term actions to meet long-term visions

Dutch  English  German  Italian  Latvian  Norwegian  Polish   Portuguese   Spanish

COME RES has been facilitating the market uptake of...

Publication Date: 27 Feb 2023

Author: Arthur Hinsch (ICLEI Europe), Michael Krug (FUB), Maria Rosaria Di Nucci (FUB) and Lucy Russell (ICLEI Europe)

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