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Policy Brief

Policy Brief 2: Things are moving, let’s speed up!

Dutch    English   German   Italian  Latvian   Norwegian  Polish   Portuguese   Spanish

Despite the transposition of the legislation pertaining...

Publication Date: 20 Dec 2021

Author: Arthur Hinsch, Carsten Rothballer (ICLEI) - based on work by the COME RES partners

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Factsheet 1: The Potential of Community Projects in the Renewable Energy Sector

Dutch    English     German    Italian   Latvian    Norwegian   Polish  Portuguese      Spanish

This factsheet provides a concise overview of...

Publication Date: 26 Oct 2021

Author: Arthur Hinsch & Lucy Russell (ICLEI), Erik Laes & Kellan Anfinson (TU/e) - with contributions from all project partners

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Country Report

Dokumentation: Statustreffen des Ländertisches in Deutschland

Ziel des Statustreffens am 30. September war, erste Zwischenergebnisse des COME-Projektes zu präsentieren. Darüber hinaus sollten Good...

Publication Date: 30 Sep 2021

Author: Michael Krug, Vincenzo Gatta, M. Rosaria Di Nucci (FFU-FUB)

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Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen: Zukunft der Bürgerwindkraft

Warum ist ein Regulierungsrahmen für Erneuerbare-Energie- Gemeinschaften notwendig?

Lokale Akzeptanz ist eine wesentliche politische...

Publication Date: 01 Jun 2021

Author: Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria; Krug, Michael; Gatta, Vincenzo and Michalke, Helena

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Policy Brief

Policy Brief 1: Renewable Energy Communities - Are we nearly there?

English   Dutch   German   Italian   Latvian   Norwegian    Spanish  Polish   Portuguese

Community energy has come a long way in Europe and is...

Publication Date: 30 Apr 2021

Author: Arthur Hinsch, Carsten Rothballer, Julia Kittel (ICLEI) - based on work by the COME RES partners

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