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D6.2 Four capacity development and transfer workshops reports

This document (Deliverable 6.2 - 4 capacity development and transfer workshops report) has been prepared under WP6 of the COME RES project in...

Publication Date: 30 Sep 2022

Author: Massimo Bastiani, Ecoazioni

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D3.4 Consultation series of the eight country desks. Summary Report

Deliverable 3.4 aims to elicit stakeholders’ experience and perspectives concerning renewable energy communities (RECs), to identify solutions...

Publication Date: 29 Sep 2022

Author: Karina Standal, Nora Ytreberg (CICERO)

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D7.1 Comparative Assessment of Enabling Frameworks for RECs and Support Scheme Designs

With the ‘Clean Energy for all Europeans’ package the European Commission intended to put consumers ‘at the heart’ of EU energy policies. The...

Publication Date: 31 Aug 2022

Author: Michael Krug (FUB)

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D4.2 Report on novel financing instruments for RECs

This Deliverable 4.2 (D 4.2) addresses various model financing instruments, with a focus on the framework conditions and the context. D 4.2...

Publication Date: 07 Jun 2022

Author: Dörte Fouquet (BBH)

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D5.3 Synthesis Report based on in-depth assessment of 10 transferable best practices

This Deliverable 5.3 includes the presentation of the methodological process for best practice development and comparative analysis on drivers...

Publication Date: 19 May 2022

Author: Pouyan Maleki-Dizaji, Francisco Rueda (ECORYS)

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